How do you make your photos stand out?
Are there secrets or shortcuts?
I believe that everybody can become a great photographer
Even someone who is not “talented”, or doesn’t “see like that”.
Because “talent” does not exist: photography is a skill that can be learnt like anything else in life.
If it weren’t this way, an engineer-trained guy like me would have not become a photographer.
I believe you can change the life of other people with photography
A powerful photo has such an impact on the brain that you’ll remember it after years.
How this impact can be achieved is what I’m after for: what makes one photo to stand out, while the others blend in?
Are there clear principles that make or break a picture? What are these?
Searching for the above answers, this blog was born.
I believe that everything should be explained in plain English
No extremely techy phrases. It should be kept simple as possible.

Hi, my name is Miklós Mayer, and I’ve created this website to pass on my knowledge in photography.
And this not only means purely technical stuff, but also everything I know about the artistic side of photography: composition and lighting.
If you read my articles and happen to like them, I urge you to subscribe to my newsletter, so you’ll not miss my new content.
If you click on the Subscribe button below, you’ll also get to download my “Tricks to use your camera like a PRO, and enjoy it” PDF, which has many small tips that can make your life easier when taking photos.
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And you can read about my journey in photography here.
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